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Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics
Mt. Taupo was created by subducting tectonic plates or a convergent plate boundary where two plates move tword eachother and one subducts under the other. In this particular situation the Pacific plate is subducting below th Australian plate, the plates move 3-4 inches per year. The subducting plate pushed up land to creatd magma chambers and a volcano. Look at the picture below.... can you see the magma chamber located under the top plate? Taupo's magma chamber is located 6-8 kilometers below the lake floor. So how are the plates moving? Subducting! And at what type of plate bounary? Convergent plate boundary!

So, we know Taupo is located on subducting plates, click to find out what ype of volcano it is!

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