General Information

Genaral Information About Taupo Volcano
The volcano Taupo is located in New Zealand, Australia near the towns of Tokaanu, Kuratau, Turangi and Taupo. This volcano you could say is very special. It once was a composite volcanoe 300,000 years ago, a major eruption occured and blew the whole entire top of the volcano off, similarly to Mt. St Helens. This created a huge crater where the volcano used to be, this is called a caldera. The caldera later filled with water from nearby Lake Taupo and has had no major eruptions since then. However it is still active and currenly at alert level zero. The volcano is located under the water in the nothern part of Lake Taupo. It is surrounded by over 20 bays and has three neighboring volcanoes; Mt. Tongariro, Ngauruhoeo and Ruapehu. These volcanoes are currently on alert
level two.
The seasons in New Zealand are diferent than the ones in the United
States. September-April is summer but December- Febuary are extremely
hot, March-May is Autumn and June -August is Winter. Using this informat-
ion it would be best to visit New Zealand or lake Taupo during September-
November or March-April.